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3 thoughts on “Corrugation

    1. Jen, thanks, as always. I feel I’m in the blog wilderness. What WordPress doesn’t tell you when they encourage moving to self-hosted is that people will have no way to “like” a post unless they actually go to the website. There is nothing like the Reader that you can reach people through tags. I’m post on Tumblr and Twitter and Google+, but to little avail.

      Hope you’ve had a good summer.

      Warm regards

      1. I’ll make sure to tell people about this if they want to go self-hosted. It’s frustrating trying to “like” a post — which is why you have so many comments this time around — it’s much simpler to leave a comment. Odd, right? If you’re okay with it, I’ll share more of your work on Tumblr and see what happens.

        Been a really …. interesting … summer! Had a rough patch but things are looking up now.

        All the best to you —

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